Enriching the Lives of Dental Leaders

Enriching the Lives of Dental Leaders

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You Get the Team You Think You Deserve

If I had the one secret to how to successfully motivate patients and employees, I’d be eating bon-bons in my mansion in the countryside. But having studied motivational research and observed dental practices for the last 20 years, I can tell you what doesn’t work and I can advise you what you should do instead.

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Why I Disagree with the Big Guys about Bonus Plans

Well, I’m famous. Recently I was interviewed by Art Weiderman on his Dental and Financial Planning podcast where we talked about the Do’s and Don’ts of employee compensation. And I have an article coming out in the November issue of Dental Economics called, “Why You Should Ditch Your Bonus Plan.”

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What to Do If You’re a Insurance Zombie

I recognize that many dentists feel that their patients have become insurance zombies – mindlessly repeating that they will only do what their plan allows. In the past year, several dentists I work with have decided to leave their worst plans or to get out of managed care entirely. But how do you know if you should leave? How do you determine if your practice has become so subsumed by the insurance mindset, that you have also turned into an insurance zombie?

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Emotional intelligence

How To Kill Your Team

One of my closest friends is the office manager of a dental office where I used to consult. Through her I get the inside scoop on the continuing soap opera at her office and an employee’s perspective of how a dentist can break down his employees’ will to live. Let’s learn from his mistakes.

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Patient experience

Re-Imagine The New Patient Experience

Today I talked with a dentist about his less than stellar case acceptance. In fact, we’ve been tracking his case acceptance for new patients and it’s around 50%. This dentist has been around the block with me for awhile so instead of me lecturing, I asked him three diagnostic questions so he could evaluate his own practice. Read on to learn the questions that sparked this dentist’s breakthrough realization.

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Enriching the Lives of Dental Leaders

Download the Dental Wage Planner

View your current payroll costs at a glance and forecast the impact of potential raises. You will be able to see any compensation inequities, compare payroll costs to your production and calculate the costs of proposed raises against your production goals. 

DOWNLOAD: The Stress-Free Guide to Attract World-Class Dental Employees

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Inspired Us to Dream Bigger, and it Works

“As an Office Manager, I’ve seen a great difference in my practice since starting with Sharyn. Three years ago our staff was in turmoil with a lot of infighting and gossip and some jealousy directed towards me.

I had given up because everything I did was judged. Now I have learned to have more one-to-one communication and by being more vulnerable with individuals I found my leadership voice. As a team, we’re all focused on the same goals.

Last year, in August we produced $88,000. This year we’re on track to produce $111,000 this month. I know it’s because we learned how to follow through with patients and communicate our expectations while building our systems.

Sharyn has gotten us out of our comfort zone and inspired us to dream bigger and it works.”

–Sharon St Pierre, Sperbeck Dental Care

The Stress-Free Guide to Attract World-Class Dental Employees

You’ll learn how to