Stressed About Employee Salaries?

Coaching dentists to become confident leaders of a profitable practice

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Stressing about Employee Salaries?

[Download] Free Resource: Dental Wage Planner

Are your employees demanding significant raises? Does it seem like everyone on your team is on a different pay scale?

You can stop stressing about employee compensation and get clarity about how your payroll costs affect your bottom line with this free compensation analysis worksheet!
This worksheet, designed specifically for dental practices, enables you to view current payroll costs at a glance and forecast the impact of potential raises. It is the first step to designing a fair, transparent compensation system that helps you attract and retain employees. 

This spreadsheet enables you to:

Assess the total costs of employee salaries, benefits and payroll taxes

Identify any compensation inequities between employees

Measure your employee expenses to production
Calculate the costs of proposed raises against your production

Get this free worksheet now and start simplifying employee compensation today.

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Managing Your Practice Can Be Hard,
With Weiss Practice Enhancement You Have a Trusted Partner

Train & Develop Staff

Create Predictable Systems

Manage or Phase Out of Insurance

Build Leadership Skills

Attract Ideal Patients

Increase Patient Acceptance

We Focus on What You Didn’t Learn in Dental School

I’m Sharyn Weiss, the principal of Weiss Practice Enhancement. You already know how to be an exceptional clinician. I help you develop the skills and knowledge to be a confident business owner.

Why Weiss Practice Enhancement

I am devoted to providing a customized program that is laser-focused on achieving your goals. Because we are an intentionally small consulting firm, you receive one-to-one attention with coaching and training designed to meet your needs. You will feel like a partner, not a number.

Client Success Stories

"We learned how to follow through with patients and communicate our expectations while building our systems. Sharyn has gotten us out of our comfort zone and inspired us to dream bigger, and it works."
"Lots of dental consultants can help you fill your schedule and reduce your overhead. Few improve your life. Sharyn Weiss is a consultant for the thinking dentist."
"Sharyn was our dental consultant for the past 5 years. Training a dental team is very challenging. Sharyn met this challenge and succeeded. She took our dental team from good to great."
"Sharyn is fantastic at providing the tools, resources and training to facilitate my growth…. Her insight is invaluable and her calm yet confident demeanor inspires me to become a better leader."

Your Path to a Better Organized, High-Performing Practice

Begin with a Diagnostic

We begin by interviewing you and your team to learn about your practice’s strengths and challenges.

Analyze & Implement

During your monthly calls, we interpret your numbers and track your progress. With the team, we refine your systems to reach your goals.

Get an Action Plan

We work together to develop statistical goals and a realistic plan that includes leadership coaching and team training.

The Stress-Free Guide to Attract World-Class Dental Employees

Download this Free Resource

You’ll learn how to

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Inspired Us to Dream Bigger, and it Works

“As an Office Manager, I’ve seen a great difference in my practice since starting with Sharyn. Three years ago our staff was in turmoil with a lot of infighting and gossip and some jealousy directed towards me.

I had given up because everything I did was judged. Now I have learned to have more one-to-one communication and by being more vulnerable with individuals I found my leadership voice. As a team, we’re all focused on the same goals.

Last year, in August we produced $88,000. This year we’re on track to produce $111,000 this month. I know it’s because we learned how to follow through with patients and communicate our expectations while building our systems.

Sharyn has gotten us out of our comfort zone and inspired us to dream bigger and it works.”

–Sharon St Pierre, Sperbeck Dental Care

Pivotal Impact on Dr. Gilbert's Practice and Growth as Leader

I have benefitted from Sharyn Weiss’ dental practice consulting expertise for more than ten years. Her impact on my practice has been pivotal in the success of my practice, as well as my growth as a leader, as a manager, and as a human being.

Back in 2007, I was 20 years into my career. I was satisfied with my practice, but had reached a plateau both financially and professionally, and I wanted something more. I turned to Pride Institute, where I met Sharyn Weiss. It’s scary to commit to an expensive consulting program, but what I found about Pride Institute and Sharyn Weiss was that they work the same way we diagnose a patient: before they spoke, they listened.

Instead of applying a cookie-cutter program to my office, they asked questions to help me define what I stand for, what my vision is, then made recommendations and gave me skills to support my vision.

So what are the nuts and bolts? While at Pride Institute, Sharyn essentially wrote and revised their entire curriculum. Of course, Sharyn has specific skills and actions for your staff to learn and improve your practice’s operating systems: Recall, New Patient, Treatment Acceptance, Financing, Scheduling, Hygiene.

It has been said that you can only manage what you can measure, and Sharyn can help you to develop numerical metrics to analyze your practice’s system performance and finances.

Sharyn’s most remarkable strength is in helping you understand how you communicate and mis-communicate with your staff, your patients, and even with yourself. You will understand what leads others to think the way they think, say the things they say, and do the things they do, as well as what you can do to influence what those people think, say, and do.

The return on investment of working with Sharyn is a no-brainer. Of course my practice is vastly more profitable than ten years ago. What I have paid for Sharyn’s time and expertise over the years has been paid back many, many times over. Equally important to me, however, is that Sharyn’s program has helped me grow not only as a dentist, but also as a self-aware human being.

I understand myself and the people around me much better than ten years ago. I have better relationships with my patients, with my staff, with my family, and with the community at large. Even my staff members have told me that their lives outside the practice have improved as a result of things they learned from Sharyn.

Now my practice is busier, less stressful, and vastly more profitable, than ever before. I am able now to conduct my practice based on what I believe and what I stand for, rather than reacting to what the world throws at me. I used to work in my practice, but now I also know how to work on my practice. I used to manage, now I lead.

I used to feel like every day I was herding cats, but now I have a cohesive, self-directed team. I used to have policies, now my staff and I have shared beliefs. I used to work from a place of need and expediency, now I work from a place of passion and meaning. I used to earn a living, now I have a quality of life. I feel a sense of peace and control over my surroundings that I could have come to only with Sharyn’s help.

Lots of dental consultants can help you fill your schedule and reduce your overhead. Few improve your life. Sharyn Weiss is a consultant for the thinking dentist.

–Dr. William Gilbert Dental Care

She Took their Dental Team from Good to Great

“Sharyn was our dental consultant for the past 5 years. She took our dental team from good to great. She is well respected from our dental team due to her ability to communicate and relate to each individual, thus inspiring them to grow within their position. This individual growth then allowed the team to grow which created an outstanding environment for patients to experience.

Training a dental team is very challenging. Sharyn met this challenge and succeeded. She has the ability to bring a team together. She recognizes all the different personalities and makes each individual realize the importance of team work, which creates a cohesive unit. Sharyn makes people feel comfortable to be around her, and this encourages open communication and interaction.

Sharyn is very productive with the time she has and is also very accessible if any questions or concerns need to be addressed.

–Dr. Brett Sperbeck

She Ranks at the Top of Consultants / Trainers

“I have the privilege of working with Sharyn and she has been instrumental in my personal development, my growth as a leader and training me and my staff to provide the highest level of customer care. During our regularly scheduled telephone conversations, Sharyn reviews our business performance indicators and provides feedback and analysis on the areas that were successes and challenges.

Throughout these calls, Sharyn provides training on a variety of topics essential to my development as a business leader. Training consisted of topics ranging from verbal skills, attracting and retaining new patients, improving business systems and developing staff.

My staff were very receptive to Sharyn’s training style and I always received extremely positive feedback from my staff regarding Sharyn’s ability to deliver information in an easy to understand yet effective manner. Sharyn was able to communicate the material in such a way that my staff felt comfortable and empowered to utilize those skills the following day! Sharyn’s depth of knowledge is very impressive. I find that she consistently utilizes new techniques and materials.

I attribute a significant portion of my business growth to Sharyn’s training and consulting skills. Prior to working with Sharyn, my confidence to lead my team of employees was very low. However, Sharyn is fantastic at providing the tools, resources and training to facilitate my growth. Sharyn was able to walk me through some challenging situations with my staff and provided the knowledge and confidence to navigate those challenges. Her insight is invaluable and her calm yet confident demeanor inspires me to become a better leader.

Over the years, I have worked with a number of consultants/trainers and Sharyn ranks at the top. She truly is a very talented individual.”

–Dr. Mathew Gustafsson, Truckee Pediatric Dentistry

The Stress-Free Guide to Attract World-Class Dental Employees

You’ll learn how to

Download the Dental Wage Planner

View your current payroll costs at a glance and forecast the impact of potential raises. You will be able to see any compensation inequities, compare payroll costs to your production and calculate the costs of proposed raises against your production goals. 

DOWNLOAD: The Stress-Free Guide to Attract World-Class Dental Employees

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