The number one challenge dental practices have had for years has been to find and retain good team members, and that is even more important given the COVID-19 pandemic. In today’s episode of The Art of Dental Finance and Management podcast, Art speaks with dental consultant Sharyn Weiss about issues in hiring and compensating of dental team members. Art and Sharyn discuss why “competitive” compensation really does not mean anything, why Sharyn thinks bonus plans could be a disincentive to productivity, how to determine salary ranges in your area and myths about money and motivation. Art and Sharyn also speak about how important it is for an employer to be respectful and supportive of his or her team and what can happen if they are not. Lots of great tidbits about a challenging area in the dental practice.

With Art Wiederman, The Art of Dental Finance. Attracting, Compensating and Retaining Quality Dental Team Members (Oct 2021)