Enriching the Lives of Dental Leaders

Enriching the Lives of Dental Leaders

ask questions

Key Questions for Dental Employee Feedback


Questions for a Dental Employee Feedback Meeting

Wondering how to give an employee feedback at their annual meeting? In a good employee development meeting, the focus should first be on encouraging team members to share their own perceptions about their performance. You will then build on their thoughts to mutually agree on new action steps.

It can be tricky to know how to ask questions at these meetings that will inspire employees to reflect honestly. This article gives you conversation starter questions that will inspire self-reflection and insight.

Your team members want and deserve to get feedback on a regular basis. Feedback, broken into its two words: “feed” and “back” gives each team member.

information to either reinforce a desired behavior or to change an undesired behavior.

good employee feedback meeting

You already give feedback on a daily basis, even if you’re not aware you’re doing so.

With a quirk of an eyebrow, a grimace or thumbs up, you are giving feedback. If you want your employees to do more than guess what your feedback means, however, you need to schedule employee development meetings once or twice a year.

The focus should be on growth—not punishment. If you have significant issue with an employee’s performance or attitude, this should be addressed at the time of the problem and not hoarded until it’s time for the development conference.

Here are questions you can give each employee prior the meeting so that they can prepare their thoughts. They are designed so that your team members feel that you are advocating for their continued and increased contribution.

Dental Employee Feedback Questions

employee feedback result

Job Specific Questions:

  • What have you learned this past year that helped you do your job more successfully?
  • What would you like to learn? Why?
  • What would you like to do differently this year? Think about things you would like to do more of or do less of. How can we more efficient?
  • If you had the time and money to learn to do something brand new to you, what would it be?

Dental Teamwork Questions

  • How do you think the others on the team would describe you?
  • What do you like about working as a member of this team?
  • In 12 months, how would you like others to describe your contribution to the team?
  • What might you do this year to bring even more of your full self to our team?
  • How do you think you can contribute to the learning and performance of other team members?

Practice Management Questions for the Dental Team

  • What talents do you bring to the practice?
  • Describe what you do during huddles and team meetings to make them successful.
  • What specific actions did you take to contribute to our production and collection this past year?
  • What contributions have you made this past year which make you the most proud? What contributions would you like to make?
  • What specific actions can you to improve our patient care?
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“As an Office Manager, I’ve seen a great difference in my practice since starting with Sharyn. Three years ago our staff was in turmoil with a lot of infighting and gossip and some jealousy directed towards me.

I had given up because everything I did was judged. Now I have learned to have more one-to-one communication and by being more vulnerable with individuals I found my leadership voice. As a team, we’re all focused on the same goals.

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